Sunday, February 24, 2013

About Japan ♥

Terrain Map of Japan

Facts About Japan

Quick Facts

Flag: Japanese Flag
Government: Parliamentary with constitutional monarchy
Prime Minister: Shinzō Abe (elected Dec 2012)
Capital: Tokyo
Population: 127,368,088 (July 2012 est.)
Population Growth Rate: -0.077% (2012 est.), World Rank: 198th

Birth Rate: 8.39 births/1,000 population (2012 est.), Worl Rank: 217th
GDP: 4.34 Trillion (2008)
Electric Power Generation: Conventional thermal (coal, oil, natural gas) 60%, Nuclear 29%, Hydroelectric 9%, Renewables 2%
Industries: Consumer electronics, motor vehicles, machine tools, steel, and nonferrous metals
Exports: Motor vehicles, semiconductors, and office machinery
Agriculture: Rice, sugar beets, vegetables, fruit, pork, fish
Currency: Yen
Life Expectancy: Average: 82, Male: 78.8, Female: 85.6
GDP per Capita: $33,800
Literacy Rate: 99%
Unemployment Rate: 4%
Oil imports: 5.425 million bbl/day
Internet Users: 87.5 million
Environmental Issues: Acid rain; Japan is the largest consumer of Amazon rainforest timber


Japan is located in the North Pacific off the coast of Russia and the Korean peninsula. The area of Japan is 377,873km², which makes it slightly smaller in land mass than California. Japan consists of four main larger islands and over 4000 smaller islands. The main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Honshu is the largest with an area of 231,000km². A modern railroad system connects the major islands and Japan's high-speed Shinkansen runs between major urban areas.

Japan is over 70% mountainous terrain with approximately 18% land mass suitable for human settlement. Japanese cities are typically sprawling and densely populated. Tokyo, a megalopolis and the capital of Japan, is located on Honshu island. Central Tokyo has a population of 12 million people, with the population of the Greater Tokyo Area estimated at over 35 million people.

The islands of Japan are located in an area known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. This area is where most of the world's earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. Japan is very seismically active with over 1,500 earthquakes per year. In 1923 the Great Kanto Earthquake killed more than 143,000 people in the Tokyo area. Tsunamis and volcanic eruptions are other natural destructive forces in Japan. In 2011 the Tōhoku Earthquake, also known as 3-11 (three-eleven) in Japan, was the most powerful earthquake known to have struck Japan.


There are over 127,078,679 (July 2009 est.) people living in Japan. For most of Japan's history its borders were closed to foreigners. As a result, Japan's society is very homogeneous, composed of 98.5% ethnic Japanese. The remaining 1.5 percent are mostly Korean, who number around 1 million. There are also considerable numbers of Brazilians, Chinese, and Filipinos residing in Japan. There is also an ethnic minority of indigenous people, called Ainu, who live mostly in northern Hokkaido.


Japanese is the official language of Japan. Many Japanese also have some ability in writing and speaking English as it is a mandatory part of the curriculum in the Japanese educational system. Japanese uses four different writing systems; Kanji (Chinese characters), Hiragana (phonetic alphabet for native words), Katakana (phonetic alphabet for foreign words), and Romaji (western alphabet used to write Japanese). Japanese vocabulary has been strongly influenced by loanwords from other languages, with most loanwords coming from Chinese and English.


The climate of Japan varies considerably depending on the region and season. Summer is usually very hot and humid, known to the Japanese as "mushiatsui". From mid June there is a rainy season which lasts around one month. Winters are usually mild, with the northern areas of Japan receiving more snow. Spring and autumn are usually sunny with mild temperatures.


The two major religions in Japan are Shinto and Buddhism. While religion does not play a major role in the life of the average Japanese, religious ceremonies are usually held at births, weddings, and funerals. On New Year's Day visiting a temple or shrine is also a common custom. About 1% of the population follow Christianity, which was heavily persecuted in Japan prior to the Meiji Restoration in 1873.

World Heritage Sites

As of June, 2012 Japan has 12 cultural and 4 natural sites designated as World Heritage sites.  You can find our top picks here: Best Sightseeing in Japan.


Saturday, February 23, 2013


1. Generalisasi [Perluasan] 
☞ Generalisasi atau pergeseran makna meluas adalah pergeseran makna sebuah kata dari makna yang khusus atau sempit ke makna yang lebih luas atau lebih umum. 
• Apakah Ibu seorang petani?
• Putri membantu nenek tua membawa ranting-ranting itu.
• Hanya senyum kecutlah yang diperlihatkan putri kepada orangtua nya.
2. Spesialisasi [Penyempitan] 
☞ Spesialisasi atau penyempitan makna adalah perubahan makna dari yang lebih umum / luas ke makna yang lebih khusus / sempit . 
Contoh:• Sekarang kakak telah menjadi sarjana pertanian.
• Toni adalah mantan karyawan dari perusahaan PT. Sejahtera.
• Pendeta sedang berkotbah di Gereja Bala Keselamatan.
3. Ameliorisasi [Peninggian Makna] 
☞ Ameliorisasi adalah perubahan makna yang mengakibatkan makna yang baru dirasakan lebih tinggi/hormat/halus daripada makna lama. 
Contoh:• Walikota Surakarta membagikan makanan bagi tunawisma.
• Ia adalah anak dari seorang tunanetra.
• Ani adalah pramusiswa yang bekerja di rumah mewah itu.
4. Peyorasi [Penurunan Makna]
 Peyorasi adalah perubahan makna kata yang mengakibatkan makna baru dirasa lebih rendah atau kurang baik nilainya daripada makna sebelumnya. 
• Perempuan yang berkerudung itu kakakku.
• Wanita itu adalah bini dari tetangga baruku.
• Pencuri itu mampus karena ketahuan oleh warga.
5. Asosiasi
☞ Asosiasi adalah perubahan makna kata yang terjadi karena persamaan sifat antara dua benda atau dua hal.
• Beberapa anggota dewan lama memperebutkan jatah kursi di DPR.
• Petugas rutan itu pun menerima amplop dari terdakwa.
• Rina mendapat salam tempel dari Pak Lurah kemarin sore.
6. Sinestesia
☞ Sinestesia adalah perubahan makna akibat pertukaran tanggapan antara dua indra. Misalnya, dari indra penglihatan ke indra pendengar, dari indra perasa ke indra pendengar.
Contoh:• Gadis itu sungguh sedap dipandang.
• Kata-katanya yang sangat kejam sungguh pedas di telinga.
• Suaranya yang merdu sangat lembut di telinga kami.
Cr: YS

Hipernim, Hiponim, Homonim, Homofon, dan Homograf dengan Contohnya.

Hipernim, Hiponim, Homonim, Homofon, dan Homograf.
☞  Hipernim (Kata Umum) dari kata khusus atau Hiponim.
ツ Ikan (kata umum / Hipernim)
Hiponim dari ikan adalah gurame, lele, paus, mujaer, hiu, dan lain-lain.)
ツ Bunga (Hipernim)
Hiponim dari bunga adalah: melati, sepatu, anggrek, bugenvil, dan lain-lain.
Kalimat yang menggandung kata Hipernim & Hiponim: “ Buah merupakan makanan pokok bagi keluarga saya, tapi buah yang saya sukai adalah mangga. “
Tulisan = sama, Bunyi = sama, Arti = beda
- Kazuko bisa mengangkat beban 5 kuintal.
- Kazuko mati digigit oleh bisa ular.
✏  Homofon:
Tulisan = beda, Bunyi = sama, Arti = beda
- Pencuri itu mampus dihakimi massa.
- Dian memiliki masa 2 kg.
✏ Homograf:
= sama, Bunyi = beda, Arti = beda
- Akari bermain layangan di atas genting.
- Sekarang situasi sedang genting.
Perhatikan secara seksama kalimat berikut:
Kaki meja guru di kelas 8b patah karena didorong teman saya.
- Polisi terpaksa menembak kaki pencuri yang berusaha melarikan diri.
Kata kaki pada kedua kalimat di atas dinamakan POLISEMI.
Cr: YS